Neilston Dental Surgery offers a full range of dental hygienist services as part of our comprehensive, preventative approach to oral health.
Although we offer all of the latest general and cosmetic dentistry treatments, preventing oral disease and decay will always be at the heart of what we do here at your local dental practice. To complement your own day-to-day personal care, your check-ups with us ensure we are on top of any dental issues that may require treatment.
Excellent oral hygiene is the best thing you can do for your smile and you can find some useful guidance on how to refine your day-to-day brushing techniques and personal oral care on our oral health page.
As well as regular check-ups with our dentists, our hygienists can support you with your day to day oral health regime.
Air Flow Polishing
Stains on the surface of your teeth are unsightly and dull your smile. Here at Neilston Dental we have invested in the revolutionary “Air Flow” stain removal system to bring the shine back to your smile!
“Air Flow” stain removal uses a machine that cleans and polishes the teeth with a mix of water, compressed air and fine powder particles, this method is far superior to traditional cleaning methods. Ask our hygienist about the benefits during your next visit.
Dental Hygienist Visits At Neilston Dental Surgery
Your dentist may refer you to our hygienist for oral hygiene guidance and treatment, but you can come for additional private appointments with our hygienist without any need for an assessment from your dentist.
Our hygienist is focused on preventing gum disease and she will ask you about any concerns and worries you may have about your oral health. If you have been referred by a dentist, then treatments listed in your treatment plan (which you will have previously agreed with the dentist) will take place during your appointment.
Hygienists can perform treatments such as:
- Tartar and plaque removal (scale and polish)
- Treatment of gum disease
- Treatment for bleeding gums
- Stain removal
Dental Hygienist Treatment Plans
On referral from a dentist there are common treatment plans that patients may follow:
Patients With No Gum Disease And With Excellent Oral Hygiene:
Dentists will often recommend a scale and polish every 3 to 6 months to keep on top of plaque and tartar build ups. This serves as an excellent gum disease preventative along with oral health regime guidance from the hygienist.
Patients With Moderate Gum Disease:
Lots of people have moderate gum disease, they just don’t realise it. It is at this stage of the disease that it can be treated and controlled, so treatment from your hygienist is essential. If the disease is left uncontrolled it will develop into severe gum disease which can cause tooth loss. A treatment plan at this stage would involve two detailed visits with the hygienist to give your gums and teeth plenty of cleaning and attention. We also spend plenty of time helping you learn how to clean your teeth and gums thoroughly and effectively at home.
Patients With Severe Gum Disease:
Severe gum disease will have caused some damage that is irreversible. Loose teeth, bad breath and perhaps even jaw bone damage may have occurred, and unfortunately we cannot reverse that damage with hygienist treatment. However, a thorough course of treatment means that we can save the teeth that are left and keep your smile as healthy as possible moving forward.
A dentist will usually go through diagnostics to check the extent of the problem and then create a tailor-made plan to help you get back on track with your oral health. The plan will likely involve 2 to 3 deep cleaning sessions to clean the gums properly. This is usually done with local anaesthetic. We also check the progress of the treatment after 6 weeks and if all is going well, create a new maintenance plan including check-ups and 3 monthly scale and polishes.